Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Greg vs. the nightmares

Now, I've always been a vivid dreamer which unfortunately has come with sleep walking and talking at inconvenient times . . . there was the time I walked into the living room where Mom and Dad were watching TV and I tried to convince them that we need to save all of the fluffy bunnies. And the time I thought I was running away in the middle of the night to escape certain danger and was rushing to get ready to leave our house . . . I awoke several hours later to find that the hair gel and makeup I had applied in my sleep was, in fact, real.

More recently I have run around the house in the middle of the night flipping on lights, certain of the of the fact that Greg and I had overslept and missed our breakfast plans, only to have Greg wake me up mid flight and inform me that it was still dark outside, I hadn't missed anything. Oh and let's not forget when I insisted that Greg kill the "things" that were growing from our door frame. He was fully awake and tried to reason with me that nothing was growing from our door . . . eventually giving up and just telling me to go back to sleep . . .

But I don't think anything can top yesterday morning (as in 2 am) when I woke Greg from a deep sleep screaming in terror that someone was chopping my leg off.

It was a Charlie horse.

I wish I could encourage Greg and let him know that this will pass with the pregnancy . . . but I have parents and 2 sisters who can unfortunately confirm that this does not appear to be something I will grow out of.


Madeira girl said...

Too funny! Brian will tell you I am the same way! I often wake him up in the middle of the night with some terror or story. Ahh, I wish it was only through pregnancy, but alas, no. :)

Allie Bea said...

hahahaha...Oh gosh...You and your sleep talking/walking. =)

Lindsay said...

I am a sleep talker too! But those leg cramps...they do feel like someone is shopping your leg off! I woke up screaming the other night with one and scared Jeremy to death!

You are so cute:) It's fun reading your updates, etc...You are about 2 weeks ahead of me.

Lindsay said...

Ummm, chopping, not shopping your leg off :)