Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Attitude

We just got back from New Attitude, it was a blast. We drove down and shared a hotel room with Evan and Leah. This was Greg's and my 5th time at Na and it surpassed expectations. The theme of the conference this year was "Discernment" and the speakers covered topics from discerning your doctrine to discerning your heart.

All of the messages are available here for free download.

Us missing Kristie and Chelle

Visiting the New Attitude legend, White Castle

Friday, May 18, 2007

Live Blog

As I type we're up in Wiston-Salem with our bestest friend Evan and Leah. We drove up after work for our first ever Ross-Hawkins Family Vacation. In the morning we're heading out for a weekend of camping, hiking and fishing. I'm sure we'll have lots of stories =)

Right now the boys are talking camping and Leah and I are practicing orienting our lives around our husbands. Actually, it's very interesting. I've only been camping a few times growing up, so it's really fascinating to listen to all the stories and tips. In fact Evan just informed us that he cleans his mess kit with rock (Leah's face was amazing) and that 3-in-1 soaps are the best (used for toothbrush, body soap and dish soap). Hmm . . .

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

This post is a day late, I know . . . We don't have internet at the house yet, so I had to wait to post this when I got to work. Greg and I had fantastic day celebrating with our mom's. We were at the beach in the morning with his mom and family (beach pictures coming soon) and then got to hang out with my mom and family on Sunday evening.

I was talking with a friend this morning about how much our parents have done for us that we don't even appreciate until we're much older, and it made me think once again how much my mom has done for me and taught me. I don't think I realized the extent of how much she poured into my life until I got married. Everything from cleaning a bathroom to grocery shopping on a tight budget (remember when macaroni and cheese with hot dog cut up in it was a special treat??) I learned from my mom.

There was a time in my life in middle school when I would never have thought that I would one day consider my mom one of my very closest friends. I was resentful of her involvement in my life, thinking that I knew what was best. I don't know when the change took place in my heart, but I'm so very thankful that it did! I love being with Mom, running into her at the grocery store, catching up on the phone, having dinner together and calling her with any random questions that she might have the answers for. I am so blessed.

The greatest example that Mom has given me is without a doubt her relationship with the Lord. Nearly every morning as I'd be leaving for work or school, she would be sitting on the couch with her Bible and coffee. Her example of faithfulness and dependence on the Lord has left long lasting marks on me. She has also been part of 2 different ladies prayer groups over the past 5 or 6 years. It always amazed me when nearly every week she'd let me know that the ladies had prayed for me in some specific way. Often times I'd wonder if they ever had time to pray for anyone else!

Thanks, Mom for all your love, training, support, and the wonderful example that you've been to me. I want to be just like you when I grow up!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Keeping Busy

There hasn't been much to write about recently, we've been pretty busy with day to day life types of things. Greg's been playing in a basketball league with some of our friends from church and other than that we've watched the time the fly by without too much to show for it. BUT that will change starting this weekend. Greg and I will be driving out to the beach after work on Friday to join his parents for a few days at the beach. We are looking forward to the sun, the water, the sleeping in and the wine.
The following weekend we'll be joining up with the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins for the 1st Annual Ross-Hawkins family vacation. Leah and I have been day dreaming about this for several years. I'm pretty hyped.
Then comes New Attitude in Louisville, KY over Memorial Day weekend . . . This will be our first year as a married couple, exciting, I know. Greg and I have gone to each one since our sr. year in high school (2002). Every year it's been such a wonderful time of teaching, worship and fellowship with our friends. It was at New Attitude 2003 that Greg told me that he liked me. Louisville has a special place in my heart. =)

Chelle and our friends Jon and Caleb at New Attitude 2004