Wednesday, April 4, 2007


This past weekend, I drove up to Fairfax, VA with my Mom. I was born there and her parents, brother and some close friends still live up there. We spent the majority of the time up there in the car or eating. There was lots of eating =) I did end up losing my voice a couple days into the trip which made communicating a little tricky, but thankfully Mom with her 24 (yes, 24) years of experience as a dental hygienist and talking to people with hands and instruments in their mouths was able to interpret for me!

Over the past several years my grandfather, Pawpaw, has had numerous strokes, and is definitely slowing down but his attitude has been amazing, I didn’t hear him complain or long for the old days once even though the simplest of tasks take him a lot longer. And Mawmaw’s attitude and genuine love for her husband is amazing. They will be celebrating their 61st anniversary this May and still love to recount the story of how they first met (and got engaged 3 dates later . . .) What a blessing it was to have their example lived out in front of me this weekend

Greg and I are both so blessed to not only have the examples of our parents and their marriage, but also 4 sets of grandparents that have over 200 years of marriage between them. Talk about a legacy!

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