Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rolling Stones Gather No Moss

Last Friday when Zach and I were playing on the floor, he rolled over 5 times in a row! It was so fun to watch him because he really had no idea what had just happened. I had my still camera, but not the video camera. Of course by the time I ran and got the other one, he had decided that his arms were too tired to push himself up anymore. And I couldn't get him to repeat it that night for Greg or my dad either. Oh well . . .

Now for the last day or 2, we'll hear him playing in his crib and by the time we get to him, he'll be crying because he's rolled himself into the side of the crib. Then this afternoon he decided that rolling over continuously would be so much more fun than sleeping . . . speaking of which, I hear the little man now . . . =)


LeahHawkins said...

He is getting so big!!!

Anne said...

LOL, the video is hilarious! All that rolling would squeeze a little out of anyone;0)

Rebecca said...

We laughed so hard at this! Kathryn especially, who kept saying, "ha ha ha! He tooted! Watch it again?" We probably watched it 6 times. :)

Allie Bea said...

A boy after my own heart..haha

LeahHawkins said...

The rollin ROSS gathers no moss

The Brown Family said...

Ha- love it!!!

Deb said...

Hilary, you are so funny!! :)

Aunt Julie said...

Hilary Ann, Hi this is Julie Avery.

Your son is adorable! I'm so happy for you....have a great time documenting his little life...